The Basic Traffic Rules To Follow The traffic in India keeps to the justify. So,…
Important Road Safety Rules To Teach Children
Be the person you want your child to grow up to become! Model the behavior you want them to emulate. Follow the road safety rules and subtly teach them continuously. Children in pre-schools should be taught about road safety, and various schools in Chennai ( are doing it effectively as they have to be kept safe at home and outdoors. Learn more on how to do this in this article, as children are often among those who suffer in road accidents as they run out into the street or fail to notice crosswalks because they are overjoyed. Therefore, it is important to teach them about road safety as early as possible in their lives. Your child will pick up on this very early on in their development.
It is becoming mandatory to teach road safety rules in school, and teachers should educate students about road safety. However, parents also have to take necessary steps to support the school’s initiative on child’s safety. You can start by teaching them:
- Aware of pausing, looking in both directions, and listening to oncoming cars when crossing the street. You can teach them this by playing a game where they must stomp their feet at the corner.
- To empower your child to choose safety over being afraid of cars, explain that cars are only dangerous if your child is not following the rules.
- When you walk with your child, demonstrate this behavior and hold hands to prevent your child from running.
The Basic Road Safety Rules To Cross Roads For Children
Teaching your child road safety is a time-consuming and exhausting process. Children must be taught to take personal responsibility for their safety. Teaching road safety is essential for all ages, and schools are taking advantage of the fantastic resources available. There are some basic road safety rules to access or cross the road. They should be taught to students.
- Create an understanding that crossing the road is always better when the road is straight and never when the road is curved.
- To cross the road safely, instruct them to wait for approaching vehicles to pass before crossing.
- Children should never stray onto the road and be kept away from the road, even on empty streets.
- If the road is empty or busy, encourage your children always to use the side pathways.
- When crossing the street, teach your child to listen around them. It is especially important when crossing near curves and blind corners.
- Children must take advantage of pedestrian crossings, elevated walkways, and other pedestrian-friendly crossings when crossing streets without pedestrian crossings. Until children can cross the street on their own, they should be supervised by an adult. Tell them to be cautious when crossing the street. Pedestrian crossings are designed to help pedestrians cross the road safely. Parents should accompany their children to the crossroads when they see them approaching.
- Encourage your child to play stomping games or jump with both feet at corners to help your child understand the importance of paying attention at intersections.
- They should not use their smartphones while crossing the street.
- Children should not run near a road, cross it, or run in open areas with vehicular access. They must never run on busy roads and should always walk when crossing them. Children should never rush into vehicles and onto roads and should always wait for their turn.
- They should not enter crossroads at any time or in any location. Children should cross only at crosswalks marked with yellow zebra stripes.
- Children should never cross a curve or between parked cars as they may not always honk at curves, and pedestrians may not be aware of any oncoming vehicles.
- While playing with balls or moving objects, teach students about road safety by playing games and activities that promote road safety.
- Encourage your children to walk safely on sidewalks by following these guidelines.
- When children are excited and running around, it is easier to “forget” about traffic etiquette.
- In India, roads are interrupted by railway lines, and children must cooperate with crossing security.
Driving Safety Rules For Children
For the older child or adolescent, it’s time to let them drive for the first time. It’s a nightmare, but it’s necessary to discuss several issues with them before the big day. Best cbse schools in Chennai for 11th and 12th are taking effective measures to teach the driving rules. In the meantime, talk to your child about the dangers of driving under a bad influence or not following rules.
- Children should be taught to be present in their thoughts when driving and respond to their senses as they grow older.
- If your child is old enough to drive, you should present them with statistics and videos of accidents resulting from distracted driving.
- Children must wear a helmet while riding their bicycles, and a helmet can prevent 70% of debilitating head injuries.
- If your child wants to ride a bicycle, skateboard, or scooter, ensure they know the regulations. When your child rides a bike, instruct them to observe stop signs and traffic lights and to ride in the street whenever possible. Children should follow the rules for riding bicycles. They should wear a helmet, use bicycle lights, and keep their eyes and ears open for speeding vehicles. Maintain the bicycle, especially in the evenings or night, and ensure your child has a light on his bicycle.
Children should avoid riding bicycles on major roads and should avoid riding in wet and slippery conditions. - Children should always wear seat belts and should be taught this habit early.
- Children should never use their phones on the road and should pay full attention to the road. Emphasize that they may break the rules if they become distracted while driving.
- Children should wear bright colors when riding their bicycles at dusk or in the evening.
Road Safety Signs Is Necessary For Kids
You can teach your children about road safety by familiarizing them with the various road signs. Set a good example for your children by adhering to traffic regulations and being patient when walking or driving outside with them. However, parents and teachers should teach their children the fundamental signs of safe driving to ensure road safety.
- Children must learn how to read stop signs and stoplights.
- Your child can play the game “Red Light/Green Light” and must stop when they see the Red Light. When the traffic signal is green, you should proceed; when the signal is red, you should stop, and when the walking man signal is green, you should cross the road.
- Children should be taught the fundamentals of traffic signaling, including the intersection of red and green signals and pedestrian signals.
3 Ways To Teach Road Safety Recommended By Schools In Chennai
Children in India are being educated about the importance of buckling up. Learning road safety will benefit them tremendously through various teaching and coaching methods. There are many innovative ways to teach road safety to students, including participating in Road Safety Week. Road Safety Week is the largest road safety event in the United Kingdom. It runs from 16-22 November. Therefore, sign up for Road Safety Week and arrange for road safety assemblies in your school. The other ways to teach road safety are:
- A road safety assembly is a great way to get kids involved and interested in road safety. It gives them practical knowledge on how to act according to the circumstances. Thermoplastic playground markings allow students to learn road safety skills while playing. They can learn to look before crossing a street. It is a fun way of learning the safety rules.
- Setter Play offers a range of playground equipment that helps to teach road safety. Children play signs are placed near playgrounds and schoolyards to help children cross the road safely. It helps them to observe the signs better.
- Activities for children can reinforce classroom instruction. It is possible to play games that help them understand the fundamental rules of the road. Playing and learning facts is the best method as it registers in the mind better.
Wrap Up
Now that the various road safety rules for kids are clear, there are certain precautionary measures to ensure safety. Children should not be left alone in cars. It is not a good idea to handle car keys near a vehicle while it is running, and they should not handle car keys while the car is running. Children should never stick their body parts out of a moving car window. When traveling by school bus or car, remind them to stay safe on the road and not wave their hands through the window. Children should be aware of their surroundings in familiar environments, including parking lots, driveways, and garages, even when having fun. Your child should be taught to be rude if they find themselves in a situation where a stranger approaches them. Exercise caution always! Life is precious.